19 Result(s) for:

primary sources and texts


W. E. B. Du Bois’ Hand-Drawn Infographics of African-American Life (1900)

This website features the hand painted info-graphics created by WEB Dubois and his students to comment on race and racism during the 19th century. Online:  https://publicdomainreview.org/collection/w-e-b-du-bois-hand-drawn-infographics-of-african-american-life-1900?fbclid=IwAR13LSSo4w-F7RzrbX_aJxx1bGzJr3Sid7zuPhqAuqu0ez1cWANng69Q1hU

Mapping Indigenous LA

“When we consider Pacific Islander and Latin American Indigenous Diasporas, Los Angeles has the largest indigenous population of any city in the US.” This project seeks to shed light on some of the local indigenous communities that call LA home, including Gabrielino/Tongva, Pacific Islanders, Latin American indigenous diaspora. Includes links to Tongva approved primary and…


Smithsonian Open Access

“Smithsonian Open Access allows anyone to download, share, and reuse nearly three million 2D and 3D digital items from the Smithsonian’s collections. These assets may be used for any purpose without causing or contributing to copyright infringement. This includes images and data from across the Smithsonian’s 19 museums, nine research centers, libraries, archives, gardens, and…


One of the projects of Community Stories, funded by the California Humanities. “MiHistoria.net is a collaborative storytelling project that bears witness to the Latina experience, strengthens inter-generational ties, builds bridges of understanding between urban and rural women, and empowers Latinas to become the authors of our own stories.” Online:  https://mihistoria.net/